I wrote some time ago about the fairytale cuisine that follows us in our travels, but I didn’t try to give a definition of this section, mostly because what makes a journey richer, every time you discover culture, traditions or habits of the place you visit is the taste. If anything made you come back to a place that you have visited and that one specific thing stayed in your heart, then that „something” is definitely related to the particular traditions of the place that will always accompany you.
Stories among waters
Starting from Murighiol to Saint George town, travelling through all the channels of the Danube Delta by boat, you feel how time stops for a moment and reconfigures the past. Then, slowly, you add to the past new elements of modernity, offering other view to the wild channels, to the locals and to the ancient traditions. The Danube Delta is a story that should be lived from sunrise, once with the first glimpses of light in the morning, till sunset.